Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Now is all there is

Life. So much time is wasted thinking about it's meaning or what's the point. It is no one's job to tell you HOW to live. This is where the source of so much pain comes from right? We are so focused on what we "should" be doing, what we should wear, how we should be and behave. I have eliminated the word SHOULD from my vocabulary because it serves no purpose. That's someone else's word and I know that doesn't come from my heart. What I want for you is to embrace your ability to choose. To choose for yourself how you want to live and for the purpose of this blog, the only question I would like for you to ask is whether or not anything I say is true for you.

It has been quite a summer. I got back together with my boyfriend, I began yoga teacher training, and my coaching business has begun and I have amazing clients! I am constantly being reminded about just how amazing life is – and not just how amazing, but how precious. I have embraced my own ability to choose, or not choose, who I want to be and what I want to do. Some other things have happened that are not so happy – like unexpected illness and unexpected death and loss. Where someone’s life was literally just taken away from them within moments; like a 24 year old girl who was killed by a hit and run driver as she rode her bike home from work. This isn’t about being morbid, this is about being real. This is about me asking you to think about how you want to live your life? 

Do you know how it feels to be taken for granted? Have you ever felt that way? To be accepted as just always being there, without receiving any nurturing or respect. Someone just expects you to be there. It is a horrible feeling and doesn't really develop into a meaningful and fulfilling relationship right?  I have been there before and lately I have wondered, what would the relationship to your life be like if you took it for granted? Are there people I take for granted? Am I taking my life for granted?? What happens when you don't nurture your life, your body, your relationships? Like a flower without water and sunlight, it dies.

I am so excited about building a business and leading women’s circles and going on women’s retreats and having goals and growing and exploring and being challenged. I am focused on constant and consistent improvement on becoming the best Catherine I can be so I can awaken the world to a life of freedom and allow others to awaken themselves. What is most important to you? How will you decide? When I am ONLY working on my business I suffer and when I don't work on my goals and dreams, I suffer. BALANCE and NURTURING our hearts and our souls and spirits is how I find true fulfillment. You don’t want to ONLY be doing, you don’t ever want to always be in action AND you don’t want to always be chillin! You want both because both feed our soul and both are necessary for our growth. I am alive when I am working on my business, when I am being of service at my job now and present to it. I feel alive now as I write and I share and I am nurtured and my heart is happy when I meditate, when I pause and pray, and when I connect with the people I love and care about and allow myself to just BE with them as Catherine. 

Tell me it doesn’t make a huge difference to hear from your friends? When you get a text or an email? Or go for a walk to get ice-cream? How does it feel when you allow yourself to just let go? Are there times when you get a phone call but you’re so busy that you don’t pick up? What if that person wasn’t around the next day? What if YOUR life was taken from you tomorrow? How did you live it today? Are you still in the past? Are you still upset about a hurt from so long ago? Is there someone you miss, but you haven’t told them? Is there someone you love, but haven't told them? Did you take time out for yourself today? To be grateful, to look around and really see just how AMAZING your life is because you are BREATHING? 

What is it that you want? Who is it that you love? Life moves to what supports LIFE. You don’t need much when it’s just you. When you are in relationship, intimate/friendship/family you gain more insight, more capacity enters your body, more feelings, more thoughts, more creativity, more success, more everything! Be in relationship with yourself, with others, with YOUR LIFE. I vow to connect with the people I love every single day, in SOME capacity and (even though this is on my website) I’ll just go ahead and tell you, one of the secrets to building self love is to make time for yourself. Even if it’s 5 MINUTES! It doesn’t have to be some big thing, but time to acknowledge your body, your heart, your soul, everything that brought you here, to the now, because how did we get so lucky to be alive, right now, on August 15, 2012? Love yourself and love your life by making time for it, making time for you, determine the things that are your water and sunlight for your soul. You are missing what is happening right now in the present moment, every second that you spend in your head thinking about possible futures or the past. Find the balance and recognize we only have the moment, and perhaps we only have today.
Every second is a chance to turn your life around. Don’t take your life for granted. Don’t take the people you love for granted. Do what you love, NOW. Do the things that nurture your heart, your spirit, your soul. Be with the people you love NOW because now is all there is.

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